Announcement of the exact payable amount of the interim dividend for the fiscal year 2023

THRACE PLASTICS CO S.A. announces that the BoD approved the distribution (payment) of interim dividend for fiscal year 2023 to the shareholders of the Company, of a total amount of 3,000,000.00 Euros (gross amount), corresponding to 0.0685848289 Euros




 The Société Anonyme under the name “THRACE PLASTICS HOLDING COMPANY COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME“ with the distinctive title “THRACE PLASTICS CO S.A.” (called as “Company” hereafter), with reference to its earlier announcement dated October 10th, 2023, hereby announces to the investor community, pursuant to the article of the Athens Exchange Rulebook, that the Board of Directors of the Company, during its meeting of September 25th, 2023 approved the distribution (payment) of interim dividend for fiscal year 2023 to the shareholders of the Company, of a total amount of 3,000,000.00 Euros (gross amount), corresponding to 0.0685848289 Euros per share (gross amount), which with the increase corresponding to the 798,549 treasury shares, which are held by the Company and in accordance with the law are excluded from the interim dividend distribution, will amount to 0,0698602048 Euros per share.

The above amount of the interim dividend is subject to 5% withholding tax, in accordance with articles 40 par. 1 and 64 par. 1 of Law 4172/2013 (Government Gazette A΄ 167/23.07.2013), as in force after its amendment by Law 4646/2019 (Government Gazette A΄ 201/12.12.2019).

Therefore, the final payable amount of the interim dividend for the fiscal year 2023 is 0,0663671946 Euro per share.

The cut-off (ex-dividend) date of the interim dividend, as it has been already announced, will be Thursday, November 30th, 2023.

Beneficiaries of the interim dividend for fiscal year 2023 are the shareholders registered in the Company’s records in the Dematerialized Securities System on Friday, December 1st, 2023 (Record Date).

The payment (distribution) of the interim dividend will commence on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023, and will be paid through the paying Bank "PIRAEUS BANK S.A.", according to the procedure that has been included in the relevant Company’s announcement dated 10.10.2023.

It is noted that according to the current applicable legislation, the right for the collection of the interim dividend amount expires after a five year period (article 250 of the Civil Code, section 15), from the end of the fiscal year in which this right was created (i.e. for the said interim dividend of fiscal year 2023 the right for its collection expires on 31.12.2029) and following such time period the uncollected amounts will be irrevocably transferred to the Hellenic State in accordance with article 1 of legislative decree 1195/1942.

For any further information or important clarifications, the shareholders may contact the Investor Relations Department of the Company (at +30 210 9875081, e-mail: [email protected]).